Friday, December 17, 2010

Employee Internet Usage Policy

As part of this organization’s commitment to the utilization of new technologies, many/all of our employees have access to the Internet. In order to ensure compliance with the copyright law, and protect ourselves from being victimized by the threat of viruses or hacking into our server, the following is effective immediately:
1. It is (Organization’s) policy to limit Internet access to official business. Employees are authorized to access the Internet for personal business after-hours, in strict compliance with the other terms of this policy.The introduction of viruses, or malicious tampering with any computer system, is expressly prohibited. Any such activity will immediately result in termination of employment.

2. Employees using (Organization’s) accounts are acting as representatives of (Organization). As such, employees should act accordingly to avoid damaging the reputation of the organization.

3. Files that are downloaded from the Internet must be scanned with virus detection software before installing or execution. All appropriate precautions should be taken to detect for a virus and, if necessary, to prevent its spread.

4. The truth or accuracy of information on the Internet and in e-mail should be Considered suspect until confirmed by a separate(reliable) source.

5. Employees shall not place company material (copyrighted software, internal correspondence, etc.) on any publicly accessible Internet computer without proper permission.

6. Alternate Internet Service Provider connections to (Organization’s)internal network are not permitted unless expressly authorized and properly protected by a firewall or other appropriate security device(s).

7. The Internet does not guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of information. Sensitive material transferred over the Internet may be at risk of detection by a third party. Employees must exercise caution and care when transferring such material in any form.

8. Unless otherwise noted, all software on the Internet should be considered copyrighted work.Therefore, employees are prohibited from downloading software and/or modifying any such files without permission from the copyright holder.

9. Any infringing activity by an employee may be the responsibility of the organization. Therefore, this organization may choose to hold the employee liable for the employee’s actions.
10. This organization reserves the right to inspect an employee’s computer system for violations of this policy. I have read (organization’s) anti-piracy statement and agree to abide by it as consideration for my continued employment by (organization).

I understand that violation of any above policies may result
in my termination.

__________________________ ___________________
(User Signature) (Date)

Source: Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), SPA Anti-Piracy Division.

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